Our Very First Blog Post!

Big Business Scoopers has been an active Pooper Scooper service in the Pet Care Industry for 13 years now.  (Where does the time go?)  And a few weeks back we launched our second website.  We couldn't be more excited!  Squarespace offers incredible features and flexibility that we hope will help us continue effectively serving dog owners in New Jersey.

With this second site we are introducing the world to our new dog poop mascot: Felicity the defecating Frenchie.  Yes, she doubles as a mild tongue twister.  But no, she could never replace our famed doggie doo doo logo, which needs no name.

Felicity the defecating Frenchie, a French bulldog pooping in a grass field.

Does your dog give you Felicity's indifferent stare as he or she poops all over your property?  But you don't feel indifferent about having to pick up all that waste?  It might be time to call us to come to your rescue :)