Big Business Scoopers | New Jersey Pet Waste Removal Service

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Snow Policy Explanation ... Let It Snow!

Happy 2019 to you all!  Here's to another year of poop-free yards!  We'd like to kick off the new year by reviewing our snow policy. 

If there has been only a very light dusting of snow, we and our team of Scoopers can find what we are looking for and go about business as usual. But even when the grass is still visible in heavier dustings it becomes difficult to find deposits since they are lower than grass height. So if it snows much more than a very light dusting, we may need to skip that week's scheduled scooping as we cannot, alas, pick up what we cannot see.

When snow is already on the ground, though, we absolutely forge ahead as usual to get your yard all cleaned up.  The only exception to this is when freezing rain has created slick and dangerous conditions.  But most often, the issue usually ends up being the timing of the snowfall and how close it happens before your scheduled service.

If you decide to clean up during a week that is missed due to snow, please let us know and we will credit your account for that week.  Otherwise, we do charge your usual amount as there is a double job to do when your Scooper returns and it's usually under "frightful" conditions.

We hope this helps clear things up before the dead of winter hits!
Tina LaBeaume