Big Business Scoopers | New Jersey Pet Waste Removal Service

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Why Pick Up Dog Poop? It is a Toxic Pollutant

There is no such thing as green dog poop (unless it is literally green in which case your dog is experiencing a health issue which we will address in future blogs.)  In 1991 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classified dog waste as a  "non-point source of pollution."  Your dog's poop is in the same category as herbicides, insecticides, oil, grease and other toxic chemicals.  So if you've ever said to yourself, "my dog's poop is fertilizing my lawn" ... you might want to think again!  

Picking up your dog's poop isn't only the polite thing to do when he does his business in public.  Dog poop left on your lawn is just as sure to pollute the ground and find its way to your community's water sources.  According to Zero Waste USA, "a single gram of dog waste can contain 23 million fecal coliform bacteria, which are known to cause cramps, diarrhea, intestinal illness and serious kidney disorders in humans."  Do you want that kind of bacteria lying around and being tracked into your home?

The good news is that hiring a Pooper Scooper company like yours truly is very affordable.  We have the tools, equipment and experience to locate and safely remove all dog poop from your property.  We bag and double bag dog poop before disposing of it.  And we sanitize our tools in between each stop in order to prevent any spreading of harmful bacteria, parasites and disease.  Contact us if you have any questions about the toxicity of your dog's poop!  We love to talk poop ;)